My locations (part-time in FL/Malaysia/South East Asia) make it difficult to attend courses - and am fairly familiar with most techniques. But, I am always on the look out for new/more information WRT this technology and its applications.

I’ve reviewed all the Stickys and unfortunately some of Evan’s are missing images, and his site seems dead. His posts stopped shortly after his – “New Daughter” arrived - so expect his focus has changed – kids do that.

I also note that the “Pay-For-View” Online - Tuts at the head of the Home page say - accessed - “NEVER.” Is there anything there - or are they just a placeholder for some future effort?

I note there was a “give away” of notes and handouts from Werksberg - for supporting this website. Does that still play? If so - is the $100.00 well worth it - I mean besides supporting the site - are the handouts really good? (No offense intended here - but some offers I have seen have limited value - just reprints of otherwise available info. I wouldn’t expect that here - just being cautious.)
I’d like to support the site. And the offer of the bonus makes me want to up the value I’d donate. So - who and how to donate - PayPal I expect - address?

Post here or send me PM.
TIA - Jim

Welcome…the PPV Pay Per View section is under construction and the cost is only $25 for a year. Those that had paid in the years past will be getting an added year as had not the time to fully upload the stuff there…as taking care of the spammers alone on here takes too much time…

I’m trying to upload all of my former Composites, Fiberglass and Plastics ROP (free Calif. job training) classroom handouts, power points, some DVD’s (steep learning curve there…) and much more.

But this take time and since Arnold took away the ROP classes…and this tough economy…my first concern is paying my bills from restarting my business (it has been dormet the last 14 years while I put all my efforts into the teaching…).

Most of my effort will be doing the PPV section…and keeping spammers out of here by banning them and more…

$25 - WOW - that’s good value and for the year too!
Send me an address and you’ve got me signed up!

Don’t know Arnold/ROP, etc - But maybe this is an opportunity to get real sticky – again! Best of luck on getting the biz restarted!
:cheers: Jim
PS - maybe the dvd’s could be burned and send via post? Cost plus postage/fee? Just a thought. I’d do that too - hungry for something different than the standard web-stuff.


Fan O’ Zak…PUKE…(where’s the puke icon when you need it…) :smiley:

I have a large library of composites, fiberglass and plastics DVD’s and videos too. I was kicking around the idea of doing something like Netflix and rent them out but if they don’t come back…I’m out a lot more than the rental fee…

Any ideas?

ROP Regional Occupation Program: Free Calif. job triaing for high school and adults students (since the Calif. school’s have dropped the ball on teaching any industrial education to their students…even the HS students don’t know what a simple tool is these days).

Sounds like you might need to make some backup copies to hang on to. But I gotta say this has peaqued my interest so I did a little looking this am - so a few ideas (I am not a lawyer) an outfit that rents camera lenses - they were not sued by Netflix for using the same model - here’s a couple of other references too:

Sure, this involves a lot of trust. SO,

  1. Use PayPal for a security deposit, and rental
  2. Send a prepaid (part of the “charge”), pre-addressed USPS priority mailer for the return - everyone knows the postman
    I bet using PayPal with an appropriate agreement at sign up for a Training Session - not DVD rental (looks too much lot like NetFlix then) would offer some protection.

A bit of build-up required - but certainly a new business model for getting training - out there/here. Without ROP - sounds like there is a bit of room to restart apprenticeship programs! With all the kids wanting CF bit and pieces for their bikes and cars a training program in house also gets some appropriate wage/materials/training in exchange for work help - certainly with its own set of problems too - I won’t be starry eyed :wink: there! Schools have (at least in this part of FL) some interesting afters hours - often MIDDAY – work programs for kids.
Anyway - let me know if there’s any help I can offer. Sounds like a neat opportunity - and sign me up for a composites distant learning course, H/O Video/PDF/etc.
Cheers - Jim

OH - That Arnold Sorry, been outa LA since '96!