Well, the day is coming and they are closing the programs too…
I’m trying to remove all of my 14 years of equipments, tools and supplies asap and have offered to buy up the resins and reinforcements but…politics!
I might be selling off some of my items like the massive rolling reiforcements rack (without the material on it) listed in the product section and some other items but I keep looking around there and seeing more and more of my 14 years of effort going down the drain.:o
I will be sending out a thank you E-mail to the many manufactures suppliers over the years and if anyone wants to read the long story of the last semester, I’ll post it here later on.
But I should now have the time (in the coming months) to add a pay per view online Composites classroom section on here…but it will take time.
If I can buy the school left over supplies, with the pay enrollment I hope to include FG reinforcement practice materials, handouts, tests and such.
Tons of step by step power points and if I can get premission, online videos too!