For resin mixing, any opinions or suggestions?
anything digital, precise up to a gram. I use 10 dollar scales to mix amounts up to 2 kg, and trow away every year or so (they can survive a lot…). For larger amounts I use a digital scale which I protect with plastic and clean regularly.
Make sure the scale does not have an “auto off” function, or it can be switched off.
Scales switching off when grabbing a new can of hardener can be frustrating.
This is very true.
I use a 20 dollar digital scale from harbor freight, it can measure in 1 gram increments up to 2000g (which, in terms of resin, would be about half a gallon). Works great, and the auto off takes about 30 seconds so it’s usually long enough. both wall outlet and battery capable.
I think all digital scales work fine but I splashed out on a 7kg set of paint mixing scales as car panel/paint shops would use to mix colours by a formula. I think they are accurate to 0.2g
Expensive at about $1000 (maybe cheaper in the USA?) but nice that they can go well over the 2kg that many cheap scales are and the display is up top where no resins will get.