Hybrid carbon fiber (yellow/black)

Anyone have any yellow/black hybrid carbon fiber for sale I only need a few yards maybe 3 or 4 depending on the cost I’m in southern California.

you can buy by the yard from soller composites, www.sollercomposites.com

I get that I can buy it online for $30+ shipping per yard but I was asking if anyone has about 3-4 yards left on a roll that they can sell for a little cheaper than that. I need to wrap my dash in my 72 240z and the first time I did this project the dash was stolen overnight while it was drying.

Sorry to hear. Back to your question…rarely does the price of composite material come down in yard with SMALLER amounts. Its usually the other way.

IF a vendor WILL sell by the yard…this is normally the best a hobbyist can ask for.

You can always use Ebay…http://www.ebay.com/itm/Yellow-Carbon-Fiber-Kevlar-Hybrid-Fabric-Cloth-50-3k-/110819838890?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item19cd608baa