How you'd make this part

All ideas. How would you do this mould/part ?
I think about split mould + vacuum bagging or to make 2 different infusions and gum 2 parts after.

Basic 3 piece split mold would likely be the best solution. If you redesign all the intake and vacuum ports to be on the same paring line, you could move to a two piece mold, but that design would require a 3 piece from what I can see. IT could very easily be manufactured in one piece, but non structural pieces can be made in two pieces and bonded, but that would be more of a one off part.

Here is a good video outlining the process.

I choose between 2 different infused parts(maybe 3 moulds) or one piece non infused part.
In first case we need to gum 2 pieces after infusion ,in 2-d we have some problems with thin connector and bagging laying(hard to put the bag inside and not to damage carbon layers).

You could very easily construct a one piece silicone bladder and a 3 piece mold, all in-house and give it a run before moving forward with more complex metal molds. The silicone bladder needs to be slightly smaller than the interior of the part and flow media after dry layup, this will make it easier to close the mold with some additional material to bridge the joining halves.

If I use this bladder,would it be possible to escape it from this item when finished?

Absolutely, bladder would be vacuumed and collapsed after layup, should be pulled out without any issues. One part we are manufacturing is very detailed with many mechanical locks, the bladders still come out easily.

Thank you for answers. Could you help me with any link and photo maybe?
3 piece mould this is clear,but how to work with this bladder? Do you mean bladder for this little pipe only ?