I am looking to use some tegris for a project, mostly for asthetic looks, but it if adds some strength that would be great as well.
I have ordered some sample sheets. I am wondering how tight of a roll this sheet material can be rolled up into? it comes in 30, 40, 60, 100, and 500 mil thickness.
My application requires a 5" diameter or 2.5" radius bend
if anyone has used this material i’d appreciate some guidance.
for those of you interestedin using it I got this rough price from piedmont plastics
Heres some pricing I rec’d going thru my emails.
48x72 tegris p4500 sheet—6 layer #s40000150274—65.83 each sheet
48x72 tegris p4500 sheet—8 layer–#s4000150278—87.77 each sheet
48x72 tegrin p4500 sheet–12 layer–#s4000150277–131.66 each sheet