Hobby Chopper gun = Chopper + Cup gun

Is anyone using the small dry chopper gun (chops glass only, no resin spray) such as the one sold by Fibreglast (and others I’m sure) in combination with a cup gun to have a low budget chopper gun?

There are times such a thing might come in handy…anyone using such a thing?


I wanted to buy one of those but we already had a full on industry chopper gun in our classroom spray booth, but it was pain to keep running it unless you ran it everyday, 8 hours a day.

I’d be a little learly with the woven glass whipping around your arm or other body areas…:eek:

I use one every once in a while (most of the time I take my peices to my bud’s shop and use his full blown chopper gun though) Use an HVLP to throw the resin with one hand and the chopper in the other. Pretty messy and hard to get used to using both hands though!!!

I am using that setup. Works great on horizontal surfaces, a little harder on vertical surfaces, the fibers want to fall off.
Super fast build up for molds. The chopper shoots out a lot of fiber. It takes about five seconds to cover a car hood.

I’m selling off several rolls of Chopper gun Roving on eBay right now and in the next few weeks too…MUCH less than Fiberglast $134.00 per roll! :eek:

socalcollector2 on eBay

I use that setup daily. There are a few tricks that will help if you try this.

  1. put regulators on the chopper and HLPV guns. You don’t want too much of either. and you don’t want to coat yourself with resin overspray
  2. use them seperately (not at the same time, get resin on your chopper one time and you’ll see why)
  3. a-light resin
    b-light chop - you want even coats of chopped glass. too heavy and you’ll play hell trying to wet out.
    c- more resin (low pressure or you’ll blow the glass off
    d- use a brush or roller to lay down the fiber (note: if using a brush TAP the brush. don’t swipe it like your painting with it.)

repeat until you get the thickness you need.

I use this for making life size animals and it does the trick. AND IT IS CHEAP!!!

good luck