Help needed, Infusion, Shield guard, Leak

Here is my shield guard, biaxial200*3layers, surface and edge look good and smooth(pic1), but it seem to have million of dry spots and porosities between layer(pic2).

If leakage happen why the surface and edge don’t have any problem ?

If go next step until finish painting and won’t see those porosities, but I afraid it will affect on some properties. :confused:

Hello anybody out there ?

A bigger close-up picture would be nice, but on the explanation you´ve given, I would say, you haven´t degassed your resin enough or you have air humidity still in your bag.

How long is the lay-up under full vacuum (what absolut bar?) before infusing?

Oh!! humidity, I think this should be the issue. Do you have any suggestions how to store baggig film ?

do you have bubbles in the resin after mixing? You can degass it before infusion or wait till most of em come out. What resin?

Unless you have a leak somewhere which is possible and common. You could be able to see air entering and flowing if there is a leak.

I don´t think it is the bag´s fault. It is humidity in your fabric. You have to let the lay-up under full-vacuum and boil off the humidity and then infuse with degassed resin.

Being under full vacuum is able to boil off humidity ?

Yes, at room temperature and near full vacuum (greater than 28") you will be able to get rid of nearly all humidity in the bag. Most people let leave the part to dwell for 30 minutes to both boil everything off and check for leaks (drop test)