Hello from Maine

I am a new composites instructor in a new voc school in Maine, looking forward to any help you all might give me as I kind of flying with out a net now, I have an advisory committee to help me but I have no formal curriculum so any Ideas will help!


Welcome! It’s to bad JM (Werksberg) isn’t around as much anymore he would be great help for you. He was a great composite teacher in Socal. Well who am I kidding he still is a great help with all the information he has put on this forum.
How in depth into composites is the class going to get? Vac bag, infusions, prepreg? Repairs?

That about sums up the goals of the class. right now I am focusing on VIP, I will plan on dabbling in prepreg but I need to construct an oven and get a freezer. lots of work but we will be able to provide good career opportunity in Maine.

Where in Maine you from?

Bath Maine, midcoast the City of Ships and home of Bath Iron Works

I grew up in Bowdoinham. Went to school in Topsham.