Hey there. My name’s Bharat and I joined the FRP Manufacturing company my grandfather set up in Madras(India) in 1964, around 6 months ago. We’ve been producing components/products for various industries like Wind Energy, Defense, Textiles,automobile (a long time ago) and other small industries for quite a while now. We specialize in hand lay-up/wet lay-up and RTM (although it hasn’t been in use for a while). Our moulders have between 30-45 years of experience and I’m the new guy here trying to learn every aspect of the business, from the technical side to the marketing.
I’m looking to bring in many changes and gradually improve the technology that they use for production. Its all manual right now. So I am trying to see the costs of buying a vacuum pump and try our hand at infusion. Any ideas would help. Thanks for letting me join here.