heat cured Polyester

I thought I would tap the collective mind here to help answer a question. I am looking for a heat cured polyester, i.e. one that is inert (won’t cure) under 100 degrees F. any ideas?

Solution: Any polyester resin! Just don’t add catalyst. :slight_smile:

Talk to the manufacturers of curing agents. Unfortunately I am not much of a help, but I have no idea of what is available over there.

With epoxy it is more simple, you could source an epoxy-anhydrite system. I have them available which are less then 100cps at 50 degrees, and only start curing at 80 degrees.

Good for thick carbon laminates.

and then what? heat it and it will cure? :confused:

Yep, from what I understand polyester can cure itself without any additives, it just requires enough energy i.e heat. Once enough heat is added the molecules will polymerize themselves, that is cure into a hard plastic.

There is also UV curing polyester. For decent polymerisation, you need some sort of initiator. You can make a mix that does not cure at ambient, but does at higher temps.

As for epoxy, I have Anhydrite systems available which are below 100 cps at 50 degrees C, and only start curing at 80 degrees C. Ideal for thick carbon layups.