I do tend to buy a lot of supplies from the local craft shop, eg pinking shears, acetone proof shears, dressmaker chalk and tapes, so I do wonder about it sometimes.
It might just be a NZ thing as I know the local spar manufacturers and others use hair driers. We are using hair driers as they are a lot cheaper ($20) than heat guns ($80) and heat to about 40deg max as they are designed not to burn peoples heads, thus a muppet can’t over heat the pre preg. We sometimes use out of spec pre preg which needs a little heating to help it stick, as well as getting the first layer to stick to a mould released mould.
We are improving the air filtration on our clean room as air testing has found that there is a lot of VOCs in the air. This should help with some of the fibres in the air. I also agree with the duty rating issue as most are designed to be on for only a hour max not 8. I was wondering what people used and it would appear nothing, so mystery solved.