Gurit sp106 post cure

I can’t find post cure info on this product. Anyone know the best post cure temp and duration for it?

Standard Gurit post cure is 16hrs @ 50 Celsius.

They apply the same spec to most of the Gurit resin range.

A couple of things to watch out for - The stuff they don’t tell you in the data sheets unless you can decipher their graphs and bar charts…

If you cure @ 50C - then you will probably have a Tg of around 50C…

This is the temperature that the resin will soften slightly… Even after 16hrs. @ 50C

Good resin systems will advance during post cure and have a higher Tg above the cure temp and some resins are still retarded and have a lower Tg than they were cured at.

SP 106 is not a premium system for optimal properties so I would be cautious about assuming it would advance its Tg above the cure temp.

Your post cure will depend on the end use. If you are going to heat the cured resin ( If it’s a plug or mould) or if the part is painted a dark colour or clear carbon and will see sunlight then it’s recommended that you post cure higher(+10C) than your intended curing / operational temp.

I have recorded 80 Celsius in direct sunlight on carbon finish surfaces.

Ramp rate is another consideration. ( I.e. speed at which you heat the part)

It is possible to post cure a part on a mould or in a tool and ramp at a reasonable rate- 0.5 - 2.0 DegC/min
If your part is the mould or is demoulded then a conservative ramp of a max 0.2 Deg C/min is advisable to prevent distortions or warping.

These are general guidelines for good practice and will depend on your individual requirements.

Sorry if I have given you a bit more info than you requested, but if you care enough to ask about post curing, then a little more advice can’t hurt…


great info!

Thanks Jim
As my oven that I will use is not the best I can’t leave it alone for too long, for safety reasons. Would a short time around 3 hours say at 80°c be worth while?

I did kick myself on the way into work, as I forgot to add some guide on the post cure time.

As a general rule, for every 10C above the recommended minimum cure temp, you half the minimum time.

This used more for pre-pregs, but does apply to your laminating resins too.

50C = 16hrs
60C = 8hrs
70C = 4hrs
80C = 2hrs

I always like to add an hour to these figures as they are “minimums”!!

So, 3hrs @ 80C is ideal, just watch your ramp rate.

If you begin your cure at 20C, and aiming for 80C… It should take 60 minutes to get to 80C for a ramp rate of 1C/min
Or 120 minutes for 0.5C/min Etc…

I like to create a simple table on a piece of paper and log the temp as it rises. If you do it at regular intervals (10 mins)… It makes the math easy to work out if the ramp is too fast or slow :wink:
Once the part is at temp there is no need to log as frequently (30-60mins is fine)

Good luck!

Thanks Astute. Very good info :slight_smile:

No Problem.