Hello, my name is Nam Le I’m 21 years old, I currently reside in Norman, OK for schooling, but have family in the DFW area so I’m back and forth alot. I stumbled across this board not even 10 minutes ago and I instantly knew I had to register and obtain knowledge and hopefully be able to give some. I am still new to composites I have always been off and on with my interest about carbon fiber, and early last year I decided to take it and run with it. I have done nothing but google everything I can about the process and even down to the make up of the materials. I wanted to know everything and try to be the best. I have never really done much with carbon fiber, just a couple things with fiberglass. So I kinda just jumped in head first. I won’t ramble and bore some of you, and besides I have alot of threads to read and searching to do on here. I look forward to everything this board can provide me and hopefully make new friends.
Nam Le