I’ve searched but no discussion about this material.
I’ve seen people infusing carbon fiber and glow in the dark material to be used for rings. I’ve only seen suppliers offer green glow in the dark fabric but the infused material for rings is being made in 7 different colors.
Anyone have any information about making glowing infused sheets in different colors other than green? Are they purchasing the fabric with the colored glow powder already embedded in it or is the color added with the use of glow powder when infusing?
If it is added while infusing I would think that the glow would show up in the carbon layers too as well as not distribute well through out the whole fiber stack evenly causing bright and dull patches of glow. The material being sold has even, bright glow layers while the carbon layers are dark black with no hint of glow.
Here’s a link to a ring that I’m referring to: https://www.etsy.com/listing/250744321/carbonfiber-ring-with-blue-glow-made-to?ref=market
Any info is appreciated.