Feedback regarding these pumps? Jellow jacket?

Found both of these available locally. Can anyone provide any feedback regarding their performance, longevity, noise etc?

Anything I should be worried about buying or looking for/at when used? What is a typical lifespan? Are these fair prices for used equipment? Can these things handle running over night without overheating?
Google returns this if I search the model info


I bought a yellow jacket model very similar to that from a pawn shop when I first started working with composites as a hobby. I think I paid 80 bucks for it and it couldn’t pull down a worthwhile vacuum. Since you’re in Canada I’d really just recommend picking up a new robinair pump off of Amazon. Used, non oil sealed pumps of this price range are tricky because if the previous owner didn’t chance the oil out at the correct intervals than the rotors could be physically damaged.

thanks, I appreciate the feedback. I suppose I could bring along my vac gauge and test it at the sellers…