anyone know what brand of gel coat is compatible with an amine epoxy? I can change epoxy if need be. This is to provide a smooth paintable ( colored paint )surface with a carbon fiber cloth laminate.
Scott Bader makes one that I’ve used a few times. Can’t remember the name. I’m not at work now.
CCP Composites has a product called ECT120, this is a in-mold gel coat that can be used as a finished product or can in most cases be painted., go to the gel coat section and click on the product for TDS and MSDS information.
Hey CCP welcome to the forum.
I restore small fiberglass boats (Whalers, small Bertrams and small Donzis) mostly as a hobby. I have always used AwlGrip with good success when finishing them. I have contemplated using gelcoat, but did not want to get into the time taking task of sanding and polishing after spraying the gelcoat. Then I read about CCP Composites epoxy based ECT120 gelcoat in this months issue of Professional Boatbuilder. It is said to have a high gloss finish and can be sprayed with conventional equipment.
What I would like to know, is this ECT120 gelcoat strictly an in mold gelcoat or can it be used sprayed on an existing boat like conventional gelcoat or paint?
Thanks, Rich
I would definately contact CCP about that. Drop them a mail through their website. CCP on this forum is not the most active poster…
From PBB (delivered today) I understood that it has a slightly different matrix.
Perhaps you could even mix it with Duratec High Gloss Additive, to minimise finishing.
can spray-able gel coats also be brushed into a mold?
I’m looking for a clear gelcoat to lay in the mold but I don’t have space or equip to spray. Also I intend to infuse over with epoxy once the stack of reinforcement is layed in the mold.
It is a bit on the thin side. Catalyse the spray gelcoat slow, to allow the acetone to evaporate. (I presume it is polyester gelcoat we are discussing).
Make sure it does not run on vertical areas.
I think you’ll find CCP’s ECT120 is part of their IMEDGE range. The IM in IMEDGE standing for In Mold.