Dissolvable tooling for large scale objects

Hi folks,

Im wondering if anyone has had experience dealing with a dissolvable tool on large scale projects? I have a project that requires a large structure to be produced and I know bladders etc are available, but due to the sheer size of this item i would prefer a machined male mould to lay over. This is a critical item and will be subject to serious loads once in service ( this item will be over 250mm thick composite!!) so i am looking for a solution that will handle multiple debulks and autoclave pressure during the multi stage cure cycle. Temperature will be low ( 80-100 degrees max)

If anyone has any suggestions i would love to hear them :slight_smile:

Thanks in advance


Check them out.

I don’t have any personal experience using them but I have heard of people using low melt alloys for this type of problem.

I considered this at one point as a solution to a tooling problem, but stopped before doing any sourcing work.

Do you know who provides low melt alloys for composite processing? I’m sure the supplier would know this but does it happen to be a low toxicity process?

Thanks for this mate, this is the sorta thing we are after! good info! :slight_smile:

I didnt know such a thing was available. is there any residue remaining once melted? do you know what temp they melt at?

You mentioned autoclaving pressure - check the compressive strength of the soluble core if you’re going down that route - its probably fine but double check