Curious cat got it.

I have a 5 month old kitten that just loves to get into anything and everything. Sometimes it gets annoying. Well he was up on my fabric cutting table and stuck his head into a folded up bag of fiberglass cloth. next thing I know he sneezes, pulls his head out and shakes it a couple times. About 5 seconds later he’s scratching his head. LOL :smiley:

my dog got into my milled carbon fibers last week. hahahaha I think I gave her 2 baths and she still scrathes like no other. now she wont step into my shop when she is with me lol

That will teach her:D

whats that pic there was floating round here aggges ago… a puppy [beagle maybe] sitting there with a guilty look on his face with a roll of fibres behind him he’d been ripping into and all fibres on the ground… hes gunna feel that in his mouth in the morning =D