Clear coat Additives?????

I hope I don’t start a new fad with this, but has anyone played with adding custom paint additives like pearls or this site has some pretty cool tricks:

They have one that with some heat, it changes color…

I can see the hood makers going neon now… :lol:

good find. I’m going to do some more research. That chamelion paint would look pretty cool on a computer case.

I have purchased a few different materials from them, and I also have bought other manufacturers tints and candy colors and added them to clear duratec. it worked awesome. I have also used the glow in the dark. it doesn’t work as well. it gives the clear a bluish tint and that takes away from most colors.

Doogie or anyone else gots some tips on using a glow additive, I,m thinking of spraying a “styling” flash on the cabin sides of my Seawind catamaran with the glow stuff in clear 2K on a white base coat cos its the colour I want anyway(aqua) & might be cool if it glows too. Any thoughts or experience on use of the glow powder pigment would be good esp on mixing/spraying “clumpiness” & also of real experience on longevity of such a coating, the guy selling the stuff hasn’t got experince in this application but seems to think it will be OK, I read something on a boat forum about it going on some cats in South Africa- but in the future. All the best from Jeff.:cool:

a company by the name of House of Kolor

makes some very cool colors, additives and stuff like that. Saw them at a motorcycle show many years ago.

Just a few days ago I mixed some of the HOK glow powder (orange) with HOK Kleer. Brushed it on a scrap chuck carbon fiber plate & the powder color showed up big time.

Made the surface look like crap over carbon (at least the orange color did).

Didnt glow much also.

Maybe a dark glow color would look good over carbon ?

Might try the orange glow over Kevlar next time - that might blend in better.

I really like some of the paint effects that can be applied over composite parts like Texilium and carbon fiber.

I haven’t done any myself as of yet. I want to though.:cool: