Carbon fiber skinning supplies, can anyone help clearify different resins?

Hello all -

I’d like to dive into composites and I’m thinking carbon fiber skinning would be a good way to start learning. Ideally I would like to buy the skinning kit from Carbon Mods or Easy Composites, but shipping to the USA costs more than the kit itself.

Can somebody help me clarify the difference between the two types of epoxies used (the base coat and the top coat), and possibly point me in the right direction towards some similar alternatives I can order here in the USA? I’ve become a bit overwhelmed researching all of the different alternatives and I’m not sure which products would be best for a beginner.

Thanks in advance.

We can help you out with that. We deal with a lot of customers that want to come in and either skin something or make a whole new custom piece. We ship out of Ventura, CA too. Shoot us an email or give us a call.