I am building a coffee table for myself and I am interested in using some carbon fiber for cosmetics. The carbon will be purely cosmetic. I have been reading quite a bit but am still not sure what to do. I do not have the tools to vacuum, so pretty much just hand layup and let cure. On to the project.
I am trying to have carbon fiber underneath a piece of tempered glass to give a nice look to it. The legs will be attached to .125 sheet of steel which the frame for the top and glass will essentially free float on so the top may be changed for a different look if wanted. What would be the best way to go about laying up materials… layer thickness, best weight material for the job, best resin etc… if memory serves me correctly a layer of fiberglass should be placed in between the steel and carbon to prevent corrosion from forming. Any ideas/tips best materials to use would be greatly appreciated.