Carbon cutting safety!!!

I decided to fix a box for my parts for more safety when I am cutting the Carbon moto panels. One box with at least 100cm x 100cm x 80cm with plexiglass and 2 turbo machines to take out the dust. All the dust is passing through one box with water and then get’s out. Here’s some photo:

Any ideas to make this machine much more practical? to filters, to box, anythink.

When I start this project i will put all the photos of the construction.


The water will NOT be easy to deal with or clean out. I would suggest large drum filters and a blower, like most downdraft systems.

If all else fails, you can get water-safe tools, and have water spray in the box on your parts. Not only will it cool the parts, it will filter the dust into the bottom of the box.
Make sure you have an easy way to empty the water nonetheless.

What do you suggest for cutting panels with water-safe tool? Any link?

Use an old 55 gallon drum, 1/3 filled with water and soap, draw a shop vacuum on top of the water and inlet from the sand blast / sanding cabinet down into the water. That way all dust / particle are dumped into the water, save the vacuum from dust shorting / burn out and zero dust into the air.

After several months, just dump the water and mud out.

if they DO exist…i do not know :-/

I use only a wet saw, and shop-vac attached to the drill press.
I used to use a downdraft table and airtools, and that was good enough for me.


can you make some drawings? it will be very helpfull with all the parts. It’s very serious for me this project. When I see the levels then I start to created and ofcourse to inform the forum about the results.

No but I’ll be going to the classroom that I gave them my sandblasting cabinet with this water filtering dust system. I’ll take the digital camera with me next week. They are going to charge up my van’s AC system for me!


LMAO…:smiley: try it, george. a good book might be the solution to dust

very good idea