C/F in Canada/Ontario??

What I’m looking for in Canadian/Ontario suppliers of C/F cloth (mainly the woven bi-directionals/twills/plains/etc…)

I know Gemini sells it (the guys that have that custom “V” weave) but they are selling it w/ a markup from their suppliers (don’t blame them at all )

So does anyone know of suppliers w/ reasonable prices that are on the north side of the border??


where in Ontario are you? I’m in St. Catharines. I know a few places that have the bidrectional but none that sell twill.

I’m in the Brantford/KW area

I usually order from the US and get it sent to a place in Niagara Falls, NY. It’s only30 minutes round trip for me to pick it up. pm me if you’re looking for bi directional and I’ll tell you where you can get it from T.O.

Thanks a lot :slight_smile: