Boat construction

Hi to all,

I have a shipyard and nowadays i finish a 10m fast rib mold.
I’m ready to start a 10m fast cabin rib for production.

My customer want a high performance rib with modern materials and of course a very light hull.

My thoughts is to use Pro Set epoxy resin and combinated fiberglass.

I need your opinion about the materials, what kind of fiberglass, how many units, what core materials in deck etc.

The max speed will be about 60knots, if it helps.

Thanks for your time


The first thing you should do is hire an engineer.

I have but he didn’t know about modern core materials

…wrong engineer…

I think it’s sensible to hire someone fit for the job. there are engineering companies aswell. I don’t know where you operate from.

They can calculate this sort of thing for you, make the laminate drawing etc.