Big racing spoiler side panels

Hi guys, need sum help here.
Got to make this spoiler. Its 3 part. 2 side panels and 1 blade ( main spoiler bit)
The side panels got to a be certain thickness to be rigid.
This needs to ne frp not carbon. So im planning to make with wovenglass and soric lantor and do a resin infusion.
My question is how i can seal the edge of the blades? They are pretty easy panels to get the molds.
Kinda confused as how to make make molds and how do i make the edges sealed and smooth?
Or any other way to make this panels?

That looks cool.

frp = fiber reinforced plastic so carbon is frp as well as glass, kevlar, etc.

if you’re using soric it should be easy. You don’t have to run the soric to the edge of the part. if you step the soric back from the edge maybe .75 inches or so then you will completely cover the soric with fabric and thus seal the edge. I guess it depends on how thick you’re planning on the laminate being? but if you do .125 or so it should be fine.

Ultimately, as normal, make a test pannel first to see how it turns out. a small piece, or pieces. One with soric, one without. Not sure if weight is an issue? You could also just use stiffeners instead of core if you wanted lighter but, since you’re not using carbon, I don’t think it’s probably much of an issue?

But if you’re dong it like that picture, just be sure to reinforce the areas where you drill through for the wing part to connect to.

Do you have a mold for the wing already?

I need to make the mold too. Any ideas/tips for making the mold for the panels and also and tips for making mold for the blade?
Many thanx

if those side panels are just flat sheet, just use a piece of metal or glass as the mold.

for the wing part… you’ll have to make a proper mold I think. Either make a plug from foam/wood or whatever you can find, then do a fiberglass mold. Or you can machine it from foam/wood if you have access to a cnc. You could cnc it on a 3axis if some one is around with one.

Molding is sorta a huge topic and I’m sure it’s been discussed in length and detail in other threads. There are quite a few options. It depends on what your preference and familiarity are with the materials and what sort of budget you have.

As for molding, i see insets where things are bolted. For this, you just need to get a large flat plate as your mold, and glue/attach small blocks of something that mimic the indents, like wood, or foam. Seal those bits, and then lay everything up on top. When yo upull your part, as long as the inserts didn’t get bonded IN the part, you have a flat plate, with indents!