Average Pre Preg cost

Hello there,

Im about to buy some pre preg carbon and I was wondering what the average cost you guys pay for per yard?

Im assuming most manufactures sell it 50" by 1 yard. Ie Fiberglast is $176 per yard.

it varies but typical standard modulus 200gsm 2x2 twill is anywheres from $4/sf to $7+/sf depending on quanity purchasing and resin sytem. Fiberglast is a complete ripoff.

Tell me about their pre-preg is made right here in my own home town and got a quote and man what a mark up! im talking about 6 times what they get it

I don’t order from these guys but it just shows what another online place is charging. I’m sure the prices will always be high with online shops. Usually to get a good price on anything you need to have a relationship with the company. http://carbonsales.com/Carbon-fabrics-Prepreg/