Automatic Database Backups and Forum Closure

Earlier I was testing an automatic backup script. You may have noticed since it closes the forum to complete its backup. My apologies for the closure. I enabled automatic forum closure and then promptly forgot about it. :o I’ll leave the forum as is at the time being but I’ll need to test this script out later tonight to verify that it works correctly.

After that the forums will be shut down at 2 am PST for a backup. The backup process lasts about 5 minutes so if you see that page just check back in a few minutes.

cheers canyon :slight_smile:

I’m really liking this cheers closing we have around here! In my head it sounds great. Makes me wish Americans closed their emails and messages with cheers as well. All the more reason to come here.

hahaha :slight_smile:
i actually read an article recently that aussies prefer and react better to slang talk over formal talk [or however youd word that lol]
and aparently something like 80% of peole use the term ‘cheers’ or ‘cheers mate’ to say good bye or thanks :slight_smile:
use it! its quite happy ^-^

After much more reading about mysql databases, very dry reading I might add, enabling a few options allows for a database dump without forum closure. To be twice as safe though the database dumps twice at different times so if the database is being written in the middle of a dump, it hopefully isn’t being written at the next one. The script runs daily though so the chances of this happening 2 or 3 days in a row is slim to none. This means less forum downtime and increased relability.

I still can’t vouch for Hostmonster though, hopefully they don’t decide to shut down all the servers without warning again.