Seeing that I cant seem to get my hands on carbon right about now in more than off cuts, I decided to buy two rolls of the Texalium.

One in black and one in silver. I got some samples the other day from fiberglass supply and liked the look. Didnt do anything with them yet but liked it anyways.

I have heard its a bear to work with but I was more wondering if any of you that have worked with it found it to be a “bleeder” type of cloth. Meaning that it likes to pull apart in spots and show thru to the glass behind it.

Does anyone have any recommendations for me?

Since this stuff is REALLY stiff, I found that it works best for flat stuff only because if you do try to wrap a compound curve, you will get some weave separation. It would be really great if there were a material that was easier to work with and cheaper than CF for non-structural stuff.

I was given a small tip from a salesguy about the weave seperation on it. On silver cloth use a silver gelcoat after you lay down your layer of it then back again with some fiberglass.

With the black, use a black gelcoat.

So I am going to try this…Spray some clear gelcoat, let it tack up, lay down a layer of cloth and if there is some weave seperation…spray the appropriate gelcoat color and then lay down some more cloth. Then Infuse the shit out of it and call it a day. Hell I dont know I might just try a hand lay up with two layers as well.

I dont do structural parts so I am not to worried about it. I do alot of “oh, pretty” parts in my world.