Any thoughts about these epoxies?


I infused some B52 parts with the adtech 820. Its top notch stuff.

Thanks appreciate it!

What is the price of the 820 epoxy w/hardener? If you find out let me know, thanks. Does it cure at room temperature?

It cures at room temperature. Dries in 8 to 12 hours depending on the hardner combo.

The medium hardner has the lowest CPS at 350. The fast is 450, and the slow is 400. Ball park as I havent read the data sheet in a while.

Demold time 24 hours.

You can speed up the drying time the usual way: Dry heat

It has no solvents (no voc’s).

If I remember right the gallon was around $80. And the hardner was $30. Once again not 100% positive. Been a while since i ordered it.

That was from GE Polymershapes. Only ordered from them because they are local. There are much better places to buy from.

I’ve not ordered from them before, but found this on the old interweb:

I think they had it for around $95/gallon kit. Seems fair to me.

If you order from them, let us know what you think!



I ordered the 820 resin(gallon) with the 45 min hardener (quart), it seemed a bit thick at first but once mixed and heated it was fine. The wet out was great, no dry spots, and I never even used flow media over the part in question.

it’s pricey but if you measure properly you won’t waste much at all. worth it in my opinion. Doesn’t stink like polyester wither, but has kind of a bit of a pungent odor due to the amines…

Where’d you get yours from? I called my local GE Polymershapes outlet and they said they don’t carry epoxy resins anymore. Just curious. I’ll have to order mine from express I guess. I am sick of smelling styrene (and so is my wife).



uber the PER odor suppressor has been on it’s way to ya…

I believe express is cheaper than polymershapes anyway. And might as well support the little guy vs. a monster like GE.

Another plus about the Adtech stuff is that its UV stable.

Did I hear someone has some PER odor supressor? I could use some of that.

Its called: Styrid

Other companys have different names for it too.

I need to find these 1 oz bottles with eye dropper caps…Delivies has them for internal craving PMMA dyes!

But shipping this type of hazardous liquid, USPS will not allow shipping purfumes and those type of liquids as they are too thick and smelly for shipping them.

So it has to be shipped by UPS and I just ship 1 oz out with some added items and it cost me $14.00 and my time to triple box it…time is money.

This PER odor suppressor is $65 for a quart or so…How many oz’s in a quart? :o

you gotta be cautious with styrene, if I recall correctly its’ an immuno suppressant.

32oz per quart :slight_smile: I may just buy a full quart… either that or just go 100% epoxy on everything… molds and parts.

I found this powdered, purified white marble ( as in the rock, marble) that can be added to epoxy for making a surface coat resin for molding. I’m thinking some of that and some yellow epoxy dye…i’m good to go for not stinking out the neighbors.

All polyester resins contain a large amount of styrene. Another reason for me to get away from using PER.

Wow, that’s the worst MSDS I’ve seen. Most polyester resin MSDS sheets just have a Health rating of “2” and don’t say “cancer causing” or “reproductive system” effects. They usually mention that it “may cause cancer” All the more reason to switch to epoxy. I’m gonna order some of that Adtech 820 this week! This MSDS looks much more friendly: Still gonna have to deal with spraying gel coat though I s’pose…

Do the styrid (and similar products) actually reduce styrene vapor emissions or do they just mask the odor?

If you are a small manufacturer making purely cosmetic parts, and opt to use epoxy rather than PER resin system, then production costs will be appreciably more, part will take longer to make, and in commercial terms you will be probably be shooting yourself in the foot.

For structural items, which fulfil some kind of mechanical function, then epoxy resin is a very good idea, but certainly not needed on the “pretty” decorative items.

I wonder if any of the small manufacturers posting here, have properly costed the differences in production costs between the 2 systems, as it seems to me if you are making products to sell, then the bottom line is your unit cost, and what you can sensibly sell the product for.

epoxy resins are not that much better, you really have to be careful not to get any or the stuff on your hands. Any type or amines permeate skin very easily and are highly toxic and potentially carcinogenic, your liver ends up dealing with the brunt of it :eek: