3D Core foam surplus available for sale


we have a surplus of this material available in our factory right now in Oceanside, California.

Here are the foam sizes we have available, and the approximate quantities we are trying to unload from our stock. These quantities are minimums based on what is easy to take stock of just by looking at our storage racks. We definitely have more of each size available however, and can look deeper into the stock if there is any interest…

the average sheet size is about 14.5” x 37.5”, and can be puzzle-pieced together due to the way the hexagon foam cells are arranged. a theoretically infinitely large piece can pieced together.

I can advise / assist in identifying potential applications and processes for the material, but most of you wont need it i bet.

These pieces of foam are surplus to what we need:

150 kg/m^3 density
10mm ~~~ at least 59 square meters

100 kg/m^3 density
7mm ~~~ at least 28 square meters
15mm ~~~ at least 191 square meters

please PM me if interested.

for the curious, here is what we make with it:



thanks guys!!!
