12% Cobalt / CHP Catalyst

I recently purchased a 5gallon bucket of vinyl ester infustion resin from Composites One. This is a great company as they helped me (a hobbyist) and they really specialize in larger sale quantities.

I am searching for a resourse for 12% Cobalt promoter and Cumene HydroPeroxide (Catalyst). Composites One can sell me these, however they are larger quantaties than I need for the 5 gallons of resin.

I live in Central Ohio and any help with a stateside supplier would be great.


Kyle A.

Cobalt should be not that difficult. Find a polyester company (boats, swimming pools) and no doubt they have it. You might find 10%, 6% or even 1% cobalt, so adjust as neccesary. (you will need to add 2x the amount if using 6%)

For CHP, even in that field there are several types available. See if the same polyester company can help you. Geltimes may vary, so do a small test first.

Thanks, I have been checking with several boat manufactures in the area. No luck yet.

Cobalt should be really easy. For CHP you should have a bit more luck. Try to source a bit more industrial / high tech polyester user. And ask if they use vinylester.