Household Items

I like it, no cleaning the tank, just flush and buy new fish lol.:smiley:

Someone should make a computer tower case using C/F or just do an overlay on one.

That would look sweet

Looks like I will be driving through Fishers this eveningā€¦ lol Glad to see another local person on the board (I have been away for a while with other projects)

Try the 9th post on this thread of my 'puter caseā€¦

Maybe I should trim out the comments posts and just leave the pictures only on this thread?

This was my first carbon/kevlar plate I ever made. It had a lot of pinholes and I couldnā€™t use it for what I originally wanted to use it for. I had a scrap rotor laying around from a rotary engine and have always wanted a rotary clock. After about an hour or so of work, I had this:

very cool :smiley:

it`s mazda clock :smiley:

awesome, do you own a rotary powered car???

How would you make this bracelet with all those contours and such?

Iā€™ll take a guess it was a CF ring / braclet? Check out the CF PP tube making and then water jet before clear coating.

I had my students making them in classā€¦

But the guy making those really neat ones is the guy that runs forumā€¦

Here are some from my workshop:

im lovin the dustpan!!!

I did these for a guy to match his Audi R8.

Just an easy overlay.

One of my first overlays, just for practice and confirming the technic, made one year ago.

This belongs to an entire bedroom set that im making for my sons.

I made this for a friend, I had a strict budget so I had to get creative. He likes it so Iā€™m happy.

How does it hold anything? Tows of carbon arenā€™t exactly strong, and I donā€™t see any shine from a layer of glass.

Well, it still needs a glass top, but I put a granite block(cutoff from a kitchen top) weighing more than 30kg directly on the mesh and it held just fine. It is stronger than I expected.