I suppose my debate is not what happens in a 2 bag setup, rather how to overcome it and ADD external forced upon the fiber layers in a regular mold, achieving home-brew autoclave results. The physics already stated are law.
In the below true to scale technical engineering schematic entitled “two layer cake”, bag one is in green, yellow bladder and blue bag two. By keeping the 2 bags apart you create a more “compressible” atmosphere for the system to work. But as stated before, the weak point is the strength of bag two, in blue. Trade the typical plastic material for something with high resiliency and a TON of breather and you have something worth talking about.
I have used pond liner before from home depot. It is rubber and has high elasticity. The bladder can be whatever, like Wyo said, it’s just a membrane. This would add external forces to the stack, controllable by pressures.
Or do the physics prevent it?